Friday, July 3, 2009

Introducing : Cirino

Thanks to my Tasia is was introduced to a young man named Jason Cirino. A few weeks later Tasia sent me a link to his song called BREATHE. I played it and loved it so I scheduled an interview. Here it is.Video of part of the interview is at the bottom enjoy.

What is your reason for making music?How long have you been rapping/making music?

Music is my outlet. It's the way I feel comfortable expressing myself. I've been writing for about 2 years. I wrote for such a long time to find myself as an artist. I've been recording for a year and a half.

How did you settle/choose the name Cirino?

"Well its actually my last name, so yeah "

What are your feelings towards rap/hip-hop now? Who do you feel is really representing?

..."I feel hip-hop is on its way to a state of improvement thanks to the new artist that are emerging.." I'm listening to a lot of Thelodious Lodon , Drake and J.Cole. I tend to favor the new artist.

Who do you want your music to reach? And what do you want people to get from your music?

I want my music to reach everyone. I have no specific target area. I try to be as versatile so anyone would want to listen. I feel people should take what the want from my music. "Music is solely for mood."

What are your plans for the upcoming year? Where do you see Cirino in the near future?

.." I plan to work work work work .." You're my first official interview , I have a couple lined up. It's gonna be a hectic year but I'm looking forward to the winter.

What advice would you give for other upcoming artist?

..Stay true to yourself and surround yourself with Positive people...


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